miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Session 2. Earthquake

2010/27/02 3,34 am and i was sleeping with my son when the earth shake my house, then the lights turn off, dishes and glasses blow up and it's broken on the floor. I tried to stand up and i took my son to got ut of the house, but it was impossible, the earthquake was the strongest earth tremor that i felt in my whole life and i couldn't stand up, so, i didn't move and wait the end of the movement. Then i tried to calm my family and i wished to call to the rest of my family, but it was impossible. Later, i went to bed with my son and we slept until the next morning.
That night, i realized the amazing power of nature, so we all have to respect it and learn to live in armony with enviorment. I also saw the mistake in security plans of evacuation in our country in this cases. I hope that the we all learn the lesson, and can be more prepared in possibly earthquakes in future.

3 comentarios:

nashoween dijo...

hello bastard men, i desagre with you

constanza dijo...

for your lucky you couldn't go out of your home, i think it could be dangerous

Camilo dijo...

Stunning your post... You read my comment...

I see you "eze tal"...