miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Stereotypes in the FAU

I think that in the FAU exist many stereotypes. In this faculty we have three differences careers, and everyone represent a big stereotype. I also think that in every career we have different stereotypes, different kind of people, which to group depending of the characteristic of its members. Specifically, in Geography exist different groups or stereotypes, because this career has two big branch of investigation, this are the physical geographers and the social geographers.

I don't know if exists big different in the other careers of the faculty, I'm more familiarized with the stereotypes of my career, but I think that the different between the careers of our faculty lies in the perspective of the career itself, because geography, architecture and design doesn't have much in common.

With respect of Geography, the most characteristic between geographers physical and social is the study object, because the social geographers study thing related with people and the physical geographers study the geo-forms of the earth. In social geography we have a lot of “lana” people, who are characterized for using wool clothes and for be calm people, in peace with everyone, like a modern “hippie”. The physical geographers doesn’t have a defined stereotype, but in this group we can find person like Ignacio Ibarra, a person who has a very effeminate laugh, and also is a very stingy man and tell to everyone that he is a very poor person since Piñera assumed the presidency of Chili. This person represents a singular stereotype of fag, liar, and a crybaby person.

1 comentario:

nashoween dijo...

jajajja mm you have a small mind, a
aa and 2 - 2 lusers chunchos jajajja, sorry we are your fathers, madres