miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

My blogging experience

In this semester, I wrote every week about a different topic. In this time I will write about my experience writing this entire thing. First, I want to say that I generally enjoy write about different topic, but I didn’t enjoy all topics that I wrote, because a I think that some topics were for complete the session, but It’s wasn’t very interesting that think y later write, so, I enjoy the topic of vacations, and ideal vacations, my favorite piece of technology and other. But the topic of stereotypes it was reaaaaaally bored, I didn’t enjoy that topic and I only wrote it for complete the session faster that other topics that I really enjoy it.

Generally, I think that the exercise of write is very interesting experience and also help me too much to practice my writing abilities. I also think that this type of exercise help me too much to increase my vocabulary, because I needed search some word to express my ideas in the text, so I think that I improve my English, especially writing, because I often practice my English, but I mainly practice my reading and speaking abilities, watching TV shows in English with subtitles in English too, or listening music and reading its lyrics and trying to traduce without a dictionary the first time and later I search the word that I couldn’t traduce.

When I try to think in the advantages or disadvantages of blogging experience it’s really hard to find some kind of disadvantages to improve my English abilities, or the abilities of my classmates. In my point of view the blogging experience was very agreeable to practice and to know different thing of my classmates that I never heard about they lives.

I hope that you also enjoy this experience.

See ya!

1 comentario:

Miss dijo...

In this semester, I wrote every week about a different topic. In this time I will write about my experience writing this entire thing. First, I want to say that I generally enjoy write about different topic, but I didn’t enjoy all topics that I wrote, because a I think that some topics were for complete the session, but It’s wasn’t very interesting that think y later write, so, I enjoy the topic of vacations, and ideal vacations, my favorite piece of technology and other. But the topic of stereotypes it was reaaaaaally WF bored, I didn’t enjoy that topic and I only wrote it for complete the session faster that other topics that I really enjoy it.

Generally, I think that the exercise of write is very interesting experience and also help me too much to practice my writing abilities. I also think that this type of exercise help me too much to increase my vocabulary, because I needed search some word to express my ideas in the text, so I think that I improve my English, especially writing, because I often practice my English, but I mainly practice my reading and speaking abilities, watching TV shows in English with subtitles in English too, or listening music and reading its lyrics and trying to WW traduce without a dictionary the first time and later I search the word that I couldn’t WW traduce.

When I try to think in the advantages or disadvantages of blogging experience it’s really hard to find some kind of disadvantages to improve my English abilities, or the abilities of my classmates. In my point of view the blogging experience was very agreeable to practice and to know different thing of my classmates that I never heard about they lives.

I h

I'm glad to hear you are such aware of your learning.
keep going! the best of luck!